Wondering where you might pick up a copy of the new novella A-S2: A Clockmaker's Journey? Just about every online bookseller offers a digital copy and several sell the paperback as well.
Here are A-S2 quick links to some of the major booksellers:
Retailer Link Price
Amazon http://tiny.cc/KDP 3.00
Barnes & Noble http://tiny.cc/B-N 3.00
Kobo http://tiny.cc/Kobo 3.00
Amazon.co.UK http://tiny.cc/Zon_UK £6.18
Why Apple would price the book 1.00 more than every other retailer is
mystifying. By the way, the paperback retails for $8.00 in the U.S. while
in England it goes for "six pounds and eighteen."
Each of the above booksellers features a place to leave a comment or rating.
An honest, well-conceived comment is greatly appreciated by this author.
